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The emperor tamarin is a species of tamarin. They live in the rainforests of Brazil and Peru. They can be found 80-90 feet from the forest floor. They have white moustaches and black and white fur. They have modified claws instead of nails. Their tails help them balance as they run through the trees, but they can’t use them to grab branches. In the future, I predict that rainforests will become savannahs due to climate change. The name of my future animal is the “desert tamarin". To help them survive, I predict they will have spots to help them camouflage. I also believe they will have night vision. Additionally, they’ll be nocturnal because it will make it easier for them to find bugs at night. The last adaptation I think they’ll have is shorter fur to help them survive the heat. Sadly, I think they will also lose their moustaches.