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Jaguar Jaguars live in Thick tropical forests, swamps, and lowland river valleys. Jaguars need food to survive. Jaguars eat deer, iguanas, armadillos, fish, and birds. Jaguars live in the South Western USA. Jaguar's cubs grow very quickly. Jaguars face growing threats. Jaguars love the water. Jaguars hunt day and night. Jaguars have the strongest bite of the cat kingdom. Jaguars sometimes get mistakes for leopards. There are 15,000 Jaguars left in the world. A Jaguar run-up to 50-65 miles per hour. Female Jaguars give birth to 1 or 4 cubs. The name Jaguar comes from the Native American word yaguar. Jaguar's young cubs are born blind and helpless. Jaguars have an astounding repertoire of calls, including a variety of snarls, growls, and roars. Jaguars and leopards may seem identical but leopards rosettes are smaller and more densely packed and do not have central spots as jaguars do.