The Sumatran Tiger currently lives in the Sumatran Rainforest. In the future, the Sumatran Tiger will live in a savannah habitat. It will adapt to its habitat in a few different ways. The Sumatran Tiger will lose its fur and stripes while its adapting to its new habitat. The savannah is much warmer than the rainforest. The loss of hair will also help to camouflage in the dry savannah habitat and make the tiger much smaller. The yellow eyes of the tiger will grow brighter. Hunting at night is hard, so these eyes will help for catching prey. The massive ears of the Sumatran Tiger will grow bigger as an added benefit. The feet of the Sumatran will grow bigger for more grip and traction in the savannah, while its tail will shrink due to more grip and traction from its feet. This animal will unfortunately go extinct sometime soon.
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