I chose the Ocelot for my future creatures project. In the present, the Ocelot has sharp claws, a tail, lungs, and kind eyes. The environment will flood, due to global warming. The Ocelot will get flippers, fins and a tail to be a better swimmer. To breath, it will not lose its lungs, but it will develop gills just in case it needs to go up to the surface. The Ocelot will get scarier eyes to scare away other animals. Its teeth will get sharper, to help it eat meat. The teeth will also be used to scare away animals. It will also get full camouflage. As you can see, it's extremely hard for the fish in the algae to see a predator right behind it. The Ocelot will still be a fierce animal, though. Its normal coat color will stay the same. It's a tan-brown coat color.
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