The Aye-Aye is a unique nocturnal primate that is related to species similar to monkeys, lemurs, and humans and are extremely unique. The Aye-Aye is only found in Madagascar, and is endangered. They live mainly in rainforest trees. The Aye-Aye has adaptations and traits such as having lanky fingers, sensitive and big ears, big eyes, brown or black fur, and bushy tails. Their unique adaptations help them survive in their environment. The Aye-Aye will have to change many of its adaptations because of climate change. Currently in Madagascar, the most constant issue has been the droughts, dryness of the land and deforestation, which impacts the Aye-Aye’s habitats. I would predict that in the future they will have to hide underground. Aye-Ayes may develop lighter colored fur, smaller tails, and have fingers that help dig than to climb. It is difficult to exactly predict, but animals have miraculous abilities to adapt.
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