Dendrobatidae (Poison Dart Frog) have many adaptations to survive in the rainforest. They have toxins in their skin that can paralyze or kill any potential predator. To add onto that, the bright colors on their skin warn predators not to eat it. Poison Dart Frogs use their bright color pattern to act as camouflage. They have a tongue that darts out to catch their prey. Poison Dart Frogs eat fruit flies, termites, ants, young crickets, and some smaller species of beetles.
In the future, Dendrobatidae will adapt to swim better and survive in different weather. They will have webbed feet, hands, and arms to swim better once the water level rises with global warming. Also, they will be able to stay underwater longer and learn how to live and survive most of their life (10-15 human years) underwater.
That is how Debbdrobatidae will adapt to the future earth.
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