Poison-dart frogs live in the tropical rainforests of North and Central South America. They live near water and mostly stay on land. They are herbivores, which means that they only eat plants and vegetation. They have adapted well to survive. They only have one predator, the Fire-Bellied snake. It's immune to the poison from the frog.
In the next few centuries, poison-dart frogs will change physically and behaviorally due to climate change. The heat will rise and melt icebergs, which will cause it to flood the coastal regions. To survive, the poison-dart frog will evolve to have gills, and they will become carnivores. They would be feasting on small fish. They would use their vibrant colors to ward off and warn predators of their poison. They would use their back legs to swim in the water and use their tail to change direction. They would use their camouflage to hunt.
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