The silverback's diet is leaves, shoots, and stems but they can also eat larvae, snails, ants, roots, bark, rotting wood, fruit, and pith. Silverback gorillas are 5'5ft on all fours but if they stand on their feet they are 6'0ft. Silverback gorillas have a bite force of 1300 PSI and a punch force of 1300 to 2700. A male silverback weighs 350 lbs and a female weighs 130 to 180 lbs. I think silverback gorillas in the future will get stronger and there will be less populaition because of them and i think that because the world is getting polluted more and more every second so there will be less plants and the plants will eventually die so silverback's will start to eat meat and when the animals die the silverback's will start hurting innocent people for food. That's how i think silver back gorillas wil change.
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