Potoos are birds living in South American rainforests. They look like owls but are more related to hummingbirds. They have big, bright yellow eyes like car lights to see prey at night. Their wide mouth goes from ear to ear. They have something that looks like a nose but is actually a tooth (but they don’t use it very much). They swallow prey like moths whole. They hide from predators by camouflaging into trees.
As the world become hotter, the rainforest will become drier like a desert. Less trees means less fruit for moths to eat, so fewer moths. Potoos' tooth might become like a narrow beak to eat smaller bugs. To find crickets and ants, their feet might become flatter for walking. Potoos' feathers will turn from gray-brown to a brownish-yellow color like the dry ground and their eyes will become less bright to hide better.
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