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Challenge to Extract Regolith, Experiment Submission (C.E.R.E.S.) I am confident that my design for the lunaboticsjunior challenge is on par to superior to most of my competition. My design is based on a combine harvester hents the name C.E.R.E.S, which is the Roman goddess of agriculture. The highlight of my rover is the detachable storage bag that contains regolith. My rover works by using a plow that lowers into the regolith and the forward motion of the rover pushes the regolith into a grinder then the now refined regolith gets on a conveyor belt that feeds it to a rotating scoop that flings the regolith into the bag. There are solar panels and hydrogen fuel cells but since we can’t fuel the fuel cells I needed an alternative to fuel cells. The last main point is the suspension, a “rocker-bogie” suspension system.