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My Lunabot is named the Digger Bot. It is 3.5 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet, and is a solar powered robot. I chose solar power for the Digger Bot because then the Digger Bot can make more trips with a good amount of lunar regolith. The Digger Bot also has a digger attached to it to scoop up the lunar regolith. The scoper can turn, and bend up to 180 degrees both ways. The digger bot can hold up to 300 pounds of lunar regolith in its storage space, and can go up to 10 mph. To keep the dust off the Digger Bot I made a battery powered fan to blow away the dust. My Lunabot also has a built-in camera, flashlight, and tracker so you can stay aware of where it's at and what it’s doing at all times.