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B-Bot is both an autonomous/controlled machine, where an astronaut/scientist on Earth will plan a route for it to follow autonomously. It uses a radioisotope power system, backed up by a long-lasting battery. To avoid lunar dust, it has shaped stainless-steel mesh over joints, along with thin layers of paint mixed with indium tin oxide. Speed will vary on location, rougher terrains meaning slower speed, smoother meaning faster. For balance, the wheels have hydraulics triggered by pressure sensors, with the center of mass in the relative middle between mechanical arm and storage. The wheels are made of light-weight zinc-coated piano mesh, with thin treads in a chevron pattern. To dig, the robot has a scoop-like claw with a small vacuum tube to transport regolith to the storage in “medium-sized” digs. Lastly, the robot is composed of carbon-carbon steel and polyamide-based film, Kapton (to combat temperatures).