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ASTRO-CAT is a robot that is supposed to resemble a cat, I know a lot of other scholars are probably going to resemble a cat robot too but I would like to give this project my best shot because this opportunity is offered to me. ASTRO-CAT has a tail that functions as a claw to dig/scoop lunar regrowth, the tail is also able to function as a drill incase needed. Lunar dust most likely will not be a problem for ASTRO-CAT, the reason for this is because it will be sprayed with a coat of Indium tin oxide which prevents lunar dust from sticking. ASTRO-Cat’s Design is a basic robot but in the form of a cat. It has ear antennas and cameras for eye’s. When I was designing ASTRO-CAT I was trying to base it off a SciFi movie theme and I think that’s what mostly helped.