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T.U.R.T.L.E (Transporting Unused Regolith to Lunar Expeditions) is a robot I created. It is 3x2x2 and has heavy duty glass to protect solar panels, that will power TURTLE. It has four suspended wheels that are connected to the robot. It's equipped with a moon duster. "TURTLE" gets the lunar Regolith with a Pluto tool, that was used in the Beagle 2 robot to dig Mars dirt. TURTLE has the same digging tool and it is placed in the bellybutton. The moon duster will also be by the bellybutton to make sure the dust won't get in the way while digging. TURTLE's head has a camera with night vision and headlights for its eyes. TURTLE can be remotely controlled in case of emergency. TURTLE has all it's mechanisms in it's body, where the dug Regolith stored and compacted to allow more dirt capacity.