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The Automated Lunar Dust Excavator (ALDE) is a 3×1×1 plastic lunar regolith excavation robot designed to work in virtually all angles. It consists of a square prism surrounded by rubber tracks on four sides. The robot itself will be completely concealed so as to prevent lunar dust from clinging to any important machinery. On the front and back, there will be polyethylene guards with scoops on axles which carry small quantities of dirt in multiple trips. In the rear, the scoop will be upside-down. If the robot is tipped to its side, a built-in motion sensor will sense this and rotate the scoops 90 degrees so as to continue. In the event that the robot is overturned, it will simply sense this and continue moving forward with the rear scoop. If it cannot traverse an obstacle, it will move around it and find another route to the Artemis base.