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My lunar bot idea is similar to wall-e from the movie Wall-e. My design will be similar to wall-e’s, but changed in many small ways. First off, wall-e’s wheels are capable of going across rough terrain, like regolith. Next, mechanical arms. His arms have capabilities to scoop dirt efficiently and keep it with him for long periods of time. His hands originally split in the middle, to grab, but, our goal is to gather regolith so hand is a palm without split. Lastly, a defense against unexpected occurrences. If something happens such as a meteorite crashing close to wall-e, riling up the regolith in the area, the bot can retreat back into a box, protecting regolith stored in its body while also keeping rogue regolith from latching onto arms. Size of the robot is maximum, 3.5ft x 2ft x 2ft. With height 2ft, length 2ft, width 3.5ft (wheels)