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My robot is named S.C.O.O.T.E.R. Scooter stands for Soil Collector Of Ongoing Transport Entry Robot. He is 3.5'x2'x2'. He is powered by lithium ion batteries that are charged through solar power. He scoots on his tracks and scoops up the lunar soil with a bucket that glides along the surface. There is a storage compartment in the back. The bucket is on a chain system that lets the bucket move upward to dump into storage. There is a HEPA filter that keeps dust out of the robot. S.C.O.O.T.E.R. has a heat and cooling system. He has a removable jackhammer that can break up the rocks so he can scoop them with his bucket. S.C.O.O.T.E.R. needs a human companion to control him. They do this by using a controller; watching a camera that is mounted on top. And the best part of all, S.C.O.O.T.E.R. always smiles while doing his work!