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My rover's name is Luna-365. It is 3 feet tall, and 2 feet wide. It has 2 small satellite dishes that transmit information Luna-365 collected to the ISS. In the hub of Luna-365, there are the 2 batteries that power it, also if the batteries are depleted, it sends out a distress call that is sent to ISS for astronauts to replace them.Luna-365 is mostly made out of titanium including the wheels. My rover has 2 shovels that take lunar soil samples. In the front, there are 2 special compartments that can contain the samples of Lunar soil and can identify what it is made up of. The Luna-365 also has 4 cameras, to give it a 360 view of its surroundings. The rover also has a cleaning system in the back. The rover sprays itself with a special liquid that cleanses the rover from lunar soil.