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Lunar SoBot The Lunar SoBot is 5 ft. in height, 3 ft. in length, and 3 ft. in width. The Lunar SoBot has 6 parts to scoop up the lunar regolith. The two main arms are the objects that break up the lunar regolith so it could be picken up easier. On one arm, there’s a meat mallet. The meat mallet makes the lunar regolith dissolve and separate from ground. The other arm, a spatula with no holes, scrapes the lunar regolith so it’s detached from the ground. The two vacuum cleaners that are attached to the SoBot vacuum all the lunar regolith into the storage unit inside the SoBot. The SoBot can carry approximately 50 pounds of lunar regolith. So when the SoBot arrives at the Artemis Moon base, it releases the lunar regolith from its storage unit. The SoBot does this process repeatedly until finishing the job.