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The LRT is a small rover designed for operation on the Lunar Surface with the intention of surveying the lunar surface and collecting regolith for ISRU. Measuring 1.44x 2.58 x 2 feet, the LRT's equipped with solar panels, five NiCd batteries (meant for operating in harsh temperatures), two extendable monopole antennas (to conserve space), and a pair of navigation cameras. The LRT uses a combination of MLI, four small radiators, and highly reflective surfaces to manage heat, as well as an extremely small RTG used for heat during Lunar night. The LRT uses a series of electric motors and electric pistons to facilitate movement alongside angling the rover to collect dust. A box plow, with angling from an electric hinge, collects and moves dust from one location to the next. This plow can also be used to potentially self-right in a pinch.