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Zynoia includes a double-sided claw-shaped scooper that digs regolith into the cylindrical container through a rotation mechanism and a few moving sliders that can be controlled with the antenna. The solar-powered rover will carry a smaller amount of 1.5 cubic feet of dirt in more trips and contains cameras for navigation of craters. The six aluminum wire mesh wheels carry an infill of nitrogen and a titanium core for proper traction and limited shaking. Over Zynoia’s parts and energy storage, there will be a protective layer of silicone rubber with fiberglass underneath to provide thermal insulation and safeguard components from the moon’s extreme temperatures. To mitigate lunar dust, a movable and rotatable lunar dust brush is placed by the container. The base of the brush is an electron beam that sprays electrons onto surfaces and the brush’s nylon bristle serves to remove any remaining lunar dust.