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Situation - Moon dust is abrasive and must be controlled. Shrouding arund auger eliminates cloud dust and break down issues. The moon dust has static charge This is a remote controlled vehicle. Auger Design Uses adjustable auger inside cylinder to eliminate moon dust clouds efficiently and resulting in negligible abrasive on equipment. System is shrouded using a cylinder (see TinkerCad and physical model).Will pull moon dust from base of mounds helping to flatten excavation areas and improve productivity Chassis and Component Material The material will be kevlar or fiberglass due to ⅙ gravity, kevlar is very strong and will no attract moondust as wood a steel or carbon fiber chassis. Dump/Storage Auger using positive displacement fills up the storage tank and LED sensors sense level to maximize storage. Empty using a half moon bottom that spins 180 degrees and dumps moondust along a path. Also made of kevlar