Glucose is found everywhere and is a source of energy for every organism. It is an essential fuel to power parts of cellular respiration. It commonly enters the body in isometric forms like lactose, starch, etc. Glucose is a sugar molecule also known as “dextrose” or “d-glucose” This molecule is a group of carbohydrates that are simple sugars or called “monosaccharides”. The molecular formula/composition of Glucose is “C6 H12 O6” or in other words “ 6 carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms, and 6 oxygen atoms.” Cellulose is another vital component controlled by glucose, which is a linear chain, linked to d-glucose. Finally, some properties of glucose are that: it can be solid or liquid, sweet taste, all of its forms are colorless/clear, no odor, its melting point is 294.8˚F, and dissolves in water or acid. In conclusion, Glucose is an important molecule for our organism!

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