Blue Vitriol is copper sulfate. The compound is called blue vitriol because it is prepared by oxidizing copper in hot sulfuric acid. The blue color arises from the water molecules attached to the copper ion. Blue vitriol looks like tiny dark blue crystals and can become big crystals too. Also, it is soluble in water, and used in insecticides and germicides, electrolytes for batteries, and in electroplating baths. Blue vitriol isn’t always blue because it is white when it isn’t attached to any water molecules. Blue vitriol’s boiling point is 330 degrees celsius and it’s density is 249.68 grams per molar mass. When the compound has pentahydrate in it, it will decompose before melting. When the temperature hits 63 degrees celsius and 109 degrees celsius it will lose two water molecules. The most common substance to see with blue vitriol is pentahydrate.

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