Launched on September 5, 1977, at any moment, Voyager 1 represents the furthest point humans have explored in space. Though the goal of the program was to study the heliosphere, outer solar system, and interstellar space, Voyager has been equally effective at capturing the imagination of people around the world. The mission was not always certain, however. Powering the probe was a particular issue for a satellite venturing far beyond the range that allows solar power to be an effective energy source. The solution: an RTG (radioisotope thermoelectric generator). An RTG, a type of RPS, is a radioisotope and thermoelectric generator combined to create a power source without moving parts that can be used anywhere with a temperature difference. This amazing power source has given human beings the humbling experience of seeing just how small we all are.
Due to my autism, I have been challenged to adapt and find unconventional solutions much like the Voyager 1 engineers. While I have struggled at times, I appreciate that I am able to see the world in a way that's different from most others. It also helps me to learn independently and is truly a unique power that few people have.
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