I am going to send an RPS powered satellite into space to orbit Pluto and its moons. It will take videos and pictures. My satellite will have a laser that can test elements to find out what Pluto and its moons are composed of. It will send the pictures, videos and information about the elements back to earth. The laser will be powered by the extra energy from my RPS satellite. My goal is to find out what Pluto’s composition is and how this helps us to know how the solar system began and was formed. My superpower is I am a creative problem solver. When I have a hard math problem, I break the numbers apart and look at it in a new way. I have unique ideas because I look at things in a way that's different from other people. My power will help my mission be successful because if something is not working out I can look at it differently and try it a new way. I could also use my creative problem solving skills to make sure my satellite can orbit around Pluto and all five moons without crashing into anything. Ready to blast off!