My RPS-powered rover will go to the eighth and the most mysterious blue planet in our solar system which is Neptune and its largest moon, Triton. Millions of years ago, Triton was formed when it was pulled from the Kuiper belt by Neptune’s gravity. My unmanned mission has the following primary goals in Neptune and its moon Triton: 1. Study Neptune’s rings and analyze the chemical composition in it. 2. Analyze why the storms are disappearing quickly in Neptune unlike the other planets. 3. Search if there are any remains of the Great Dark Spot as it will give us more information on the Neptune’s storms and fast-moving winds. 4. Capture details on the diamond rain phenomenon in Neptune. 5. Explore why Neptune is not the coldest planet even though it is farthest from the sun. 6. Investigate how the nitrogen geysers are forming on the Neptune’s moon Triton and why it orbits in the opposite direction of Neptune. My unique power is I have good leadership qualities with determination adapting to past, present, and future situations. I can think outside the box by looking at different perspectives for a situation and working the problems out with my team together.