NASA’s Radioisotope Power System allows treacherous missions to be set into motion because of its continuous power and longevity. Due to this innovative energy source, I propose an unprecedented mission—a rover to Ceres. Ceres, located within the asteroid belt, is classified as a dwarf planet and is thought to be comprised of 25% water—more than the total amount on Earth. On Ceres, there is a multitude of craters that the rover could explore, all of which are in the shade, creating a possibility for water ice, and life. An RPS-powered rover mission would be suitable for Ceres as the craters obtain no sunlight and are dusty so solar power can not be used—thus the rover and its instruments must rely on RPS. To help make this water and life discovery mission to Ceres possible, I can use my skills in the areas of engineering and astronomy. I have always been curious and engineering-inclined allowing me to gain mastery in skills such as scientific research, CAD, and the design process. I have always loved space and have extensive knowledge about astronomy, which when combined with my design skills can make this mission a reality.