My space mission is to send an expandable spacecraft to go to the edge of the solar system. When it arrives, this spacecraft would turn into the Far Away Space Station (FASS). A good spot for it would be in Neptune’s orbit but far enough away that it wouldn’t get tugged towards Neptune. RPS would power the FASS because solar power wouldn’t be a good option in the far edges of the solar system. The FASS mission is to put a laboratory in far space so scientists could study matter from the giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune). The giant planets are too far from Earth to send back samples of their atmosphere/air. The FASS could be used to store and analyze samples from outer space and from the edges of the solar system. My unique powers are that I love learning and I like math a lot. I think learning is a helpful power because I would need to do a lot of reading and learning to put together this mission. Math would be helpful to make all the calculations accurate for the spacecraft/space station design so it could last for many years.