If I was able to visit a place in our solar system using a RPS, I would visit Saturn’s moon Titan. Titan is similar to Earth and I want to know if there is life in the ocean under the crust. Life at the bottom of Earth’s ocean doesn’t need light or much oxygen to survive, so it’s possible that there is life in Titan’s ocean. I would use my power of creativity and robotics skills to design and program a RPS powered spacecraft that is able to fly to Titan with a rover. The rover would have a drill that can break through the crust to get to the ocean underneath. Once the rover drilled through the crust, it would send down a submersible camera that could swim through the ocean and take pictures of possible life and take samples of the water to check for microscopic life forms. Finding life on Titan would change what people think life needs to survive. It would help us know more about the beginnings of life on planet Earth. Information from my mission could be used to design future missions to Titan and maybe even people could live on Titan someday!