For my RPS mission, I’d like to send a rover to Jupiter’s moon Ganymede - the solar system’s biggest satellite - with a goal to study its geology and climate. Over the years, various flyby spacecraft have taken numerous photos of this moon that shows a surface with craters, distinct dark and bright terrain, and long structural features, possibly linked to tectonic faults. By studying these photos, scientists have hypothesized that Ganymede consists of ice and salt-water ocean layers, with layers of rock underneath covering an inner metallic iron core - somewhat like Earth. A rover will be able to land on Ganymede’s surface, collect samples, and study terrain to confirm hypotheses and learn more. My unique power that will help me with this mission is perseverance. Irrespective of the challenges faced, I continue to strive forward to achieve my long-term goals. A mission like this - to land a rover on such a far-away object with an icy surface will be full of challenges, from landing on the moon unscathed to navigating through layers of ice and water. But I will persevere to overcome any obstacles my mission faces, and by working hard, I will achieve my mission’s success!