Radioisotope Power Systems (RPS) coverts the heat from decay of plutonium-238 into electrical power, providing constant and reliable energy. Advantages include long-lasting power, suitability for space exploration in harsh environments, stable output, compact design, low maintenance, adaptability to extreme conditions, and independence from sunlight.Since it uses the heat from radioactive decay to provide continuous and reliable power where sunlight is scarce, it can be used in deep space missions or on celestial bodies with long periods of darkness. My RPS-powered space mission, is Project Stellar Mission(PSM),designed for a flyby of Saturn. The mission goal is to study atmosphere on the rings and surface features on the planet, with a focus on atmosphere on the planet and it’s rings.The RPS will provide sustained power, enabling continuous data collection and transmission during the flyby, by understanding of Saturn’s unique environment. This mission is inspired from one of NASA's spacecrafts, which uses RPS for its explorations. My artistic and listening skills can help me with my mission by designing and crafting the spacecraft in such a way that it can study, collect the pictures and related data of Saturn’s atmosphere and Saturn Ring’s atmosphere. The strong listening skills can help me understand the scientific inputs from the team to plan, develop and design the spacecraft, used for PROJECT STELLAR MISSION.