Ariel is the destination of my RPS-powered mission. Orbiting Uranus, the moon receives less than 1 percent of the energy Earth receives from the sun. Ariel is unique in that its surface is covered by cryovolcanoes, deep canyons, and icy oceans. It is thought that a liquid other than water carved out these canyons and a small rover will be sent to explore the rifts and determine the force behind their creation. RPS is essential as it provides energy, even in the shadowed regions of the canyons. Moreover, Ariel–which has a bond albedo of 23% (a measure of reflected light)–is Uranus’ brightest moon, a result of its porous surface which is believed to stem from micrometeorite impacts. Thus, its average surface temperature is a mere -213 degrees Celsius. RPS not only compensates for the low-intensity sunlight but also provides critical heating for sensitive instruments and sensors on the rover. Additionally, it can power a deployable submersible that will drill down toward Ariel’s oceans (which reach up to 30 km deep) where solar power is no longer an option. This will help scientists determine if ocean worlds are a frequent occurrence in our solar system.
A complex mission with multiple objectives, such as exploring Ariel, requires a diverse group of people to work together. A useful trait I have developed is the ability to foster collaboration and communication. This will allow me to ensure that everyone, from engineers to oceanographers, can freely share their ideas and function as a team.
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