Mission 001: Explore the Largest of Saturn's Moons Titan
Welcome to my spacecraft Chicken-fly. Our mission is to explore Kraken Mare, the Titan’s largest lake. It will take us seven years to get there. Too far way? No worries. My spacecraft is powered by NASA’s radioisotope power systems (RPS). It’s a nuclear battery that can last for 14+ years. RPS is also equipped with heater units that produce heat to keep us surviving in extreme cold weather of -180℃ on Titan. Once we land on the lake, we will send our Fishy bots down to survey and take pictures of the lakebed. Then, our bots will use a laser gun to drill holes and collect soil/mineral samples from those holes. Our purpose is to learn how Lake Kraken forms. I bet it was formed by an ice volcanic eruption, and our samples will help me prove it.
My favorite book is “Rosie Revere, Engineer”, and I dressed up as Rosie for reading week in kindergarten. Like Rosie, I am very creative and always go with an “I can” attitude. For example, I had put my right wrist in a cast for a month, but I love writing and doing crafts, so I started training myself to do everything with my left hand. Now, I can write perfectly with both hands. I believe that I can persist and overcome any obstacles to complete my mission to explore our solar system.
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