1. Tank Track: This track allows access to mobility. The track is shaped as a oval in order to cover ground. The track has a second layer so debris can't break it. The rover mimics a tank. With treads on the track, nothing can stop this. 2.Energy Device: This device allows energy through. It is small and light. It is also magnetic. It hooks up to the track. It also has a second layer. 3.Light Absorber: Picks up light energy. Differs from big panels. Saves on resources. Is circular-shaped. Connects to the batteries. 4.Twin Batteries: Main source. Cubed shaped. Holds much power. Double layer. Located together. 5. Bounce Prohibitor: Keeps device still. Acts like a spring. Rounded shape. Located on Batteries. Very Wide. 6. Sitting Shelf: Offers room. Sits on top. Flat and wide. Tallest part. Has Tracking Beacon.