Sometimes Quarantine can have you feeling down and disconnected, but you know what will turn your frown upside down????Game Night!!!!!Now with Covid-19 you can't go to you're friends house likes it's any other game Night, otherwise you'd be breaking social distancing. But Never fear the computer's here. With video chat technology you can have game night with your'e friends from the comfort of your home. It may seem like it'd be complicated, but it's actually super simple. This whole idea came about because a couple of weeks ago I had a virtual game night my self. So one Night I was feeling Lonely when some of my cousins invited me to do a group face time. They said that they were going to try to have a virtual game night and they needed another player, so of course I volunteered. The game they wanted to play was the famously known Headbands game. In the game you're supposed to have a loop around your head,where you put a card. The card could have a number of things on it like an object or an animal. Than the player who has the card on their head has to guess whats on the card based on the clues their partner gives them. Now obviously you cant have the strap so we improvised. only one of the cousins had the game; but we had away around that she would hold up the cards to the screen and the person who had to guess what the card was would close their eyes. Yea we Modified the rules a bit however it made it possible that we could all play and we ended up having do much fun. The game had us smiling and laughing till two in the Morning!!!!This game night definitely put a smile on my face and made me feel less lonely. I highly recommend trying to have virtual game night,and if you're worried about not having heads up don't worry there are so many more games that can be adapted to allow for virtual play. If you don't have face time, zoom or Skype can work too. This made me feel so happy and still feel connected hopeful it helps start a smile for you too!!!!!!
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